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A tribute to a Special Lady


Elizabeth Thrower is a person who has become very special to me.  There is not enough space in this bulletin to give tribute to the life she led.  But I want to say that she was (and is) a wonderful lady.

I recall times when we first moved to Rockingham.  I still chuckle as memories of this PIONEER WOMAN (that's what I called her) flow through my mind.

One morning I heard a very loud noise outside of the cottage (where we were living).  What a surprise!  It was Mrs. Thrower with a great big chain saw cutting limbs from a tree.  One morning I heard a "hack, hack" noise and went outside to find Mrs. Thrower with an axe chopping wood for their wood stove.  During the time we lived there she also dug her own root cellar!

She always had a list for the day.  She called it the "program".  She would stop and talk for a while and then say "well, I've got to get on with the program".  I heard her say that many times down through the years.  She was a woman of action.  If there was something that needed to be done she would either do it or see that it was done.  Most of the time she did it herself.  I remember one time Pastor Gene was giving her some furniture we had replaced.  It was a couch and a big, heavy, wide arm chair.  Mrs. Thrower got one end and Pastor Gene on the other, and they hoisted the couch onto the truck.  Pastor was positioning the couch and was unaware that she was lfiting that big, heavy chair onto the truck.  By the time he saw her and got over to her the chair was on the truck.  She was a strong woman.  There are many other stories I could tell of the PIONEER WOMAN.

But I must also share that she was a Spiritual lady.  She always attended the services and was involved in special events.  Sometimes I felt she was overwhelmed, but I soon leared that she thrived on serving the Lord and his people.  She always had a project going on to feed and clothe those who needed it.  She would always gladly receive and give prayer.  She was always gracious and full of hospitality.  Every Sunday she cooked for guests.  Her door was always open.  She welcome visitors and loved to be with people.

As I sit her thinking about her, I could probably write a book on the wealth of things she did and said.  She touched the hearts and lives of so many people.  She was loved by all who knew her. 

I can see in my mind the Father looking at her standing before Him and saying "Well done thou good and faithful servant!"

My prayer is that we carry on with the Father's business.  May we not grow tired of doing good things because we know that in time we will be rewarded for doing what He has called us to do!

Love in Christ,

Cathy Alexander, Associate Pastor 


In Memory of Lisa Alexander

November 6, 1980 - April 25, 2005 


This is our granddaughter, Payton.

Here I am with my husband, Gene, at the dedication of our new building.

This is our daughter, Shelley, and her daughter, Payton.