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Rock Solid Outfitters

Rock Solid Outfitters meets on Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m.  It is designed for teenagers grades 7-12.

Bible study, prayer, and of course a lot of fellowship.

Today day, December 2, "Christmas at Bethlehem Gulch" plus bonus skits--support our youth and children --bring your friends and relatives.


Spirit Riders "We know the King"

On September 15 and 16, 2006, Debbie Clayton, Johnny Clayton, Shirley Ethridge, and Jerry Ethridge rode bicycles to the Beach.  They rode a total of 60 miles in two days.  It is an adventure both physically and mentally.  The four of us raised over $2000.00 that went to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.  We rode for Evonne Moore.  She has multiple sclerosis.  We are looking for riders to increase our team.  We plan to ride again next September.  Would you be interested in riding or donating?  Send a check to First Assembly of God and designate it to Spirit Riders, MS donation.  We would appreciate your support.

We made the ride with about 2000 other riders.  Come join us next year. 

The picture below was taken after we completed the ride.