
"The Possibility Church" Prayer Request Website Contact First Assembly Photo Page: Favorite Links What's New Pastor's Point Cathy's Corner WM's Location Royal Rangers Music Ministry We are victorious!

Hopefully, the following directions will get you to our church, we will be glad to see you.

Come see us on 160 Clemmer Road, Rockingham, North Carolina.

If you are coming from Charlotte on Highway 74 East, you will go past the Super Walmart (which is on your right) and then turn left at the next stop light.  Following Clemmer Road will then carry you up to the church which is approximately 1/2 mile from that intersection on the left.

If you are coming from Wilmington on Highway 74 West, you will go past the Honda Shop(which is on your left) and then turn right at the next stop light.  Following Clemmer Road will then carry you up to the church which is approximately 1/2 mile from that intersection on the left.

If you are coming from Raleigh on Highway #1 South, you will take a left on Wiregrass Road and go approximately 4 miles before you come to County Home Road.  At this intersection you will turn right on County Home Road.  You will travel approximately 4 miles before turning left on Clemmer Road.  On your right as you turn you will see the TimeWarner Cable office.  You should also see their towers before you get to the intersection.  Following Clemmer Road will then carry you up to the church which is approximately 1/2 mile from that intersection on the right.

If you are coming from Raleigh on Highway #177 South, you will take a right on County Home Road and go approximately 6 miles.  You will cross Wiregrass Road and go straight through the light.  On your right as you turn you will see the TimeWarner Cable office.  You should also see their towers before you get to the intersection.  Following Clemmer Road will then carry you up to the church which is approximately 1/2 mile from that intersection on the right.


If you have a GPS you can use the following coordinates to get you to the church

N 34.55.201

W 079.43.999

If you are here, you are really lost. Your GPS needs batteries

If you see this picture after following my directions, you are lost!

If you are here, you probably won't make it to the morning worship service, enjoy your time.