Favorite Links

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Neat Links

The following is a list of useful links that I have compiled. If you wish to be added to this list, please send me an e-mail.

Favorite Useful Sites

This site is helpful as a Bible study tool.  It has some great features.  You can do searches on any topic.  You can have the Bible read to you as you follow along with your Bible.  Go to the site, and enjoy

This is an excellent site for challenging your Bible knowledge.  You will definitely improve your knowledge if you do these tests and search out this site.

This is the Assemblies of God's web site.  It has many resources.

Jesus cames to seek and save that which was lost.  Geocaching is a site that gives you opportunity to search and find caches.  This site is extensive and is great for exploring our planet Earth.  Traveling around and geocaching will give you mental and physical exercise.  Buy you a GPS and get started.  My geocaching name is "Eagle Feather". 

In the picture to upper right you see me finding a cache in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

"In Memory of Lisa" is a cache that you can find by going to www.geocaching.com

This site gives you a birds eye view of the United States.  Type in a location and get the view as if you were flying in an airplane.

this site allows you to purchase a game pad for $6.00.  This is great to use with small

This year the "Spirit Riders" donated over $2,000.00 to the MS Society.  We rode to North Myrtle Beach on September 16 and 17, 2006.  It is an adventure.

Picture of geocaching taking place.

If you want to hear some really good music and want to be ministered to at the same time, you need to hear Blaine Bowman and the Goodtime Band.  Order a couple of Cd's today.

ncroyalrangers.ws  is our website for the North Carolina District Royal Rangers.

.This is a great quiz program.  I have used it for several years in my high school classroom.  Try it, it's free.

Have Fun!