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Women ministering to the King and the body of Christ.

All women are encourage to attend our meetings.  Get involved and make a visible difference in the lives of people. 

Verna Grant, WM Coordinator

Women's Ministries...Unlimited!
More than you imagined

Women's Ministries...Unlimited! emphasizes the unlimited opportunities open to women for ministry in their local churches and communities. Every woman should be ministered to according to her need, and every born-again woman should be encouraged to find her place of ministry within the body of Christ.


It's more than a label, it's a lifestyle.
Women's Ministries- Unlimited! helps women find their gifts, and then matches them to needs in their churches or community, and empowers them to serve others with their talents. Ministry to women and ministry by women should be the lifestyle of Women's Ministries in every church.

Women's Ministries- Unlimited! helps women find their gifts, and then matches them to needs in their churches or community, and empowers them to serve others with their talents. Ministry to women and ministry by women should be the lifestyle of Women's Ministries in every church.

It's more than service, it's servanthood.
True servanthood is motivated by loving concern for others.  A variety of Ministry Groups can help teach biblical principles of leadership and practical tools for reaching and ministering to the women of this unique generation and diverse culture.

It's more than a program, it's a passion.
We must have passionate hearts to help women discover their God-given gifts and find their place of ministry within the body of Christ. Without passion in our leadership, women will not develop spiritually and their needs will go unmet.

It's more than a handshake, it's a hug.
The ability to connect with people and relate to them is the leading trait people desire to find in others.  Every woman can find other women who care in Women's Ministries.

It's more than a meeting, it's a mission.
The mission of Women's Ministries is to reach women, to disciple them and to help bring wholeness and balance to their lives. By providing an atmosphere for women to strengthen their gifts and by training them to find their places of ministry, women can successfully touch their world for Christ.

It's more than a project, it's a purpose.
Our purpose is to fulfill God's purpose. Paul wrote to the Galatians, "Through love serve one another." Every born-again woman should have at least one ministry where she is involved in serving others.


Get your shoe boxes in as soon as possible

Have you bought your cookbook?  Great recipes equal great food.

Praying together, meeting needs.