Rock Solid Outfitters

"The Possibility Church" Prayer Request Website Contact First Assembly Photo Page: Favorite Links What's New Pastor's Point Cathy's Corner WM's Location Rock Solid Outfitters Royal Rangers HonorBound Music Ministry We are victorious!

Billie and Hannah are team teaching.

Rock Solid Outfitters meets every Thursday evening from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the youth building at First Assembly of God in Rockingham, NC.

We have a live band, Bible study, games and snacks.

There is a ministry for junior and senior high kids.

Our Goal is to equip the kids solidly in the Word of God so that they show themselves approved for the witness God calls them to.

We provide a wholesome place for kids to come enjoy the fellowship of others their age.

Plans are in the works to redecorate the building.  We are looking at a teenage friendly coffee-house atmosphere. 

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